Long long ago, there was a boy. He lived on a mountain with his mother. One day, he had a dream.
He dreamed there were a lot of flowers in front of his house. He put his clother on and ran outside. Wow!
How beautiful they were! There were plenty of roses and some butterflies were flying around them.
He never saw such beautiful roses, so he picked up one and kissed it. Suddenly, the rose dis***eared, but a beautiful girl stood in front of him, ***iling.
Her eyes were so beautiful like stars. The boy was surprised. Then I woke up.
I don"t know what h***en next, but I guess the girl is a flower fairy. I want to share this story with you, dear teacher.
My sports story
I used to hate spots, but now I like sports.
When I was a child, I was often ill. I would rather be in bed than go out because I always felt tired. But I was lonely. One day a new neighbour came to my house. He was a h***y and healthy boy. He liked sports very much. Soon we became good ftiends. I went out of my house togethet with him. I like sports slowly,too.Several years laters, I was healthier by doing sports.
Sports not only make me get health but also h***e friendship.
my love story名著?
"my love story"是一部日本***,被认为是一部优秀的恋爱***,但它不是一部公认的名著
但是,这并不意味着"my love story"没有自己的价值
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