泰迪熊(英文:Teddy Bear),中文翻译为泰迪熊,按照美国当地的说法应该称为罗斯福熊。是用于儿童玩耍的填充玩具熊。它是一种历史悠久的毛绒玩具,常常被用来安慰孩子们的难过情绪的。近年来一些泰迪熊变成了昂贵的收藏品。世界上第一个泰迪熊博物馆于1984年在英格兰的汉普郡彼得斯菲尔德(Petersfield, Hampshire)建立。如果一个人说你是泰迪熊 那么也就代表你非常可爱
你好,1. My kid brother loves to play video games all day.
2. I'm taking my kid to the park this afternoon.
3. That kid over there is really good at basketball.
4. I'm not sure if I'm ready to h***e kids yet.
5. The teacher asked the kids to line up in alphabetical order.
6. The kids were thrilled to see the circus performers in action.
7. The kid next door has a really loud voice.
8. The little kid was so excited to see Santa Claus.
9. I love spending time with my niece and nephew, they're such fun kids.
10. The kid in the red shirt keeps asking me questions.
因为kid是一个常见的英文单词,意为“孩子”,在英文口语中可以轻松地造出各种句子,比如:I saw a kid playing in the park today.(今天我看到一个孩子在公园里玩耍。
)或者 My friend is a kid at heart.(我的朋友内心还是个孩子。
1.A kid I used to be friends with turned against me after being told that I'd been insulting him.曾和我很要好的一个小孩听人说我一直在辱骂他以后就和我翻脸了。
3.We want the kids to h***e the best possible education.我们想让孩子们接受尽可能最好的教育。
He liked to kid Ingrid a lot.
She's a bright kid.
'Oh, she's just a kid,' he said scathingly.
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